Copenhagen Flames sign new CS: GO roster: Start of a new era

1Play CSGO News
Aug 30

Copenhagen Flames has signed a new CS: GO roster, the org announced today. The new roster features several up and coming talent including TMB, Cube and more. The roster also has a decent bit of experience with players such as RAALZ and bORUP. 

Terming the new roster Flames 3.0, the organization hopes to build this roster into a world-class challenger just like they’ve done several times before. The Copenhagen Flames org has sold more than 15 players in the past two years as it looks to find sustainability in the CS: GO ecosystem. 

Their goal with the new lineup is to retain these players for even longer periods of time so that they can take advantage of existing resources and setup. As an organization famous for spotting upcoming talent, the Copenhagen signing will be a shot in the arm for these players.

The roster itself is a mix of young and upcoming talent with experienced players. TMB and bORUP have played together on MAD Lions before while regali has been a star on the Fnatic roster CS: GO roster. Birdfromsky and raalz have leadership experience and will join the roster as the two-shot callers with raalz taking the role of a secondary shotcaller.

With a stated goal of increasing the player retention period, Copenhagen Flames has revealed they will be investing more into various areas. Copenhagen Flames will be adding staff to areas like performance, data, health, science and tech. Whether these investments will translate to better results, only time will tell.

The CS: GO ecosystem can often be extremely taxing for esports organizations. With high salaries and the constant tussle with other orgs, it is often difficult to bring together a winning lineup. Very few orgs are actually able to scout good talent and put together a roster capable of challenging the very best. Copenhagen Flames is one of these orgs and has been involved in the scene for a very long time. 

What is Copenhagen Flames 2022 CS: GO roster?

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