How to play fantasy during Stockholm Major to earn DPC Spring Lineage Treasures

1Play DOTA2 News
Jun 16

Valve is officially continuing Fantasy Dota during the Stockholm Major, giving players more chances at the DPC Spring Lineage Treasure.

The chest is filled with tastefully recolored cosmetics and also includes sets of cosmetics that are time-limited, like the very rare Shadow Fiend set, making the Treasure a tantalizing prospect for players.

Plus, they’re also relatively easy to obtain. Even the most casual of fantasy players will get at least three treasures, as long as they participate daily.

DPC Spring Lineage Treasures will be on offer once again, giving you more chances at free, cool cosmetics.

Unlike during the DPC, fantasy points will be doled out through 12 days of the Stockholm Major – from May 12 to 22. This also means more Treasures will be given more frequently, compared to when the DPC only had six different rounds of competition.

You can earn player card packs, available now, that will contain cards for teams qualified to the Major. Previous packs that were earned, but not opened, can be used for this purpose.

The daily schedule will determine which players to spring for. Generally, teams involved in more series will have more chances at earning points. If this Major’s Fantasy follows the same format as The International, players will earn points for each series they play, instead of taking the best-scoring series like during the DPC.

Players in the top 10, 25, 50, and 100 percent of all participants will earn four, three, two, and one Fantasy Levels respectively. This means that even if you just participate without any preparation through all 12 days of competition, you will earn at least enough to get three Treasures. Put in a little research and effort, however, and you might just be opening a new chest every day.

Remember – good players do not necessarily earn a lot of fantasy points. Offlaners are generally bad at racking up counting stats, for example. It’s also rare to see offlaners outperforming position ones in fantasy, even though they both count as “cores.”

Dexter Tan Guan Hao  ONEESPORTS  2022-05-05 19:00:00
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