Playing games at school at night

Oct 04

lmao I was working near my school yesterday and my parents hate seeing me play games, so i decided to stay at school and play a few games with my boyfriend (he cant and shouldn’t refuse me) We played 2 ranked and 1 classic
In this match I was lagging so badly and i always lose the retributions to roger, also the lylia is so strong. luckily, my boyfriend is reliable to carry the game lol

this Melissa match is probably the worse Melissa match i have ever had, my ping kept on lagging that i always think i could dodge tigreal’s cc skill, but i cant because of the lag. well my bf is suddenly so good at using fanny because he is a darat lol.

In this classic i decided to try faramis but i’m still not used to him, i always make a mistake on when should i activate my ulti. i try him because i felt like i wanna play support (bad internet) well the kdita is annoying, she always caught me… happily makan coklat 😂

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