Lucky Draw

Kaya toast4887
Oct 17

Lucky Draw Offers Two Pool Rewards One Standard Prize Pool And One Advance Prize Pool In Advance Prize Pool Lucky Draw offers one Yellow Mummy's skin outfits In Advance Prize pool Draw 1 Draw In 60 UC and 5 draw in 300 UC And Standard Prize pool 1 Draw in 30uc and 5 Draw in 150 Uc

If you are interested in the skin outfit offered, you can try your luck at Lucky Draw But Is To Much Expensive Because if you not get in draw then 1000 coins you redeem Mummy Banana Set and 1000 coins cost most of your UC
You can also collect coins to redeem items at the Shop In Lucky Draw✌️Mythic Lobby Also in This Lucky draw

Let me share your opinion, R U Like The Suite And Want to take This Beautiful Mummy Suite?😁

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