Secret Water Tank in PUBG Mobile

Aleena Zafar
Nov 14

Our secret location is in erangel map Gear Front Mod.In Erangle map we see number of water tanks/ tawar at different locations. This trick can work on any water tank/ tawar.

For this trick I use Gatka's Water Tawar and also Hot air balloon.

1)Put the hot air balloon Close to tank (as shown in Screenshot)

2)Then bring the hot air balloon on the top of the tawar. (As shown in screenshot)

3)Jump in the exact centre of water tank and you will reach inside the water tank.

Now you can fir and throw garnades and kill the enemies easily.

Note: this post is only for fun purpose and awareness sometimes you will get Ban by using these gliches because it supports unfair gameplay so be careful.

Share your opinions if you know this trick or glich before?

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