Livik 2.3 Update Tips and Tricks: PUBG Mobile

Aleena Zafar
Nov 27

This trick is best for rank pushing and getting kills and for camping. The location of this trick is in livik map of football naina.

Land on Lupin Felt in map and you see big fans/ wind turbine. For this trick you just need to reach on the top of these big fans.

To reach on top you have to follow these steps:

1) Go near the Big Fan and convert your character into Football.

2) Press the jump button and move the joystick forward and touch/hit the fan building/turbine.

3) Then again press the jump button and move towards the top and now press the exit button to come in to your original character.

This is best trick because Lupin Felt have a football area which is hot drop zone and if you have Sniper and a good scope you will easily get kills.

What you think is it good trick? Share your thoughts.

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