Advance server UPdate : Natan

Frenzy Official
Nov 27

Advance server UPdate : Natan
Experimental revamp

. Removed the ability to convert Physical Penetration into Magical Penetration

. Natan now have to buy Magic Penetration item (Divine Glaive) to get Magic Pen or Physical Penetration item (Melefic Roar) to get Physical Pen

. Basic atk damage :
70% Total Phy Atk + 30% Total Magic Pwr >>
70% Total Phy Atk + 50% Total Magic Pwr

1st skill
.Damage Bonus :
180% Total Phy Atk + 120% Total Magic Pwr >>
100% Total Phy Atk + 150% Total Magic Pwr

Compared to before Natan will benefit more from Magic items now👹

Getting Holy Crystal, Glowing Wand, Feather of Heaven etc might be a better option for him now


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