upcoming premium crate pubg mobile

Aleena Zafar
Jan 14

as we know that current premium crate is going to end in 7 or 8 days. after this crate a new premium crate  is ready to release in PUBG Mobile. In upcoming crate includes exciting item such as two Mythic outfits and one legendary Upgradable Gun.

Following items are coming in Premium crate:

1) Foxy Charmer Set (Mythic)

2) Foxy Charmer Cover

3) Foxy Charmer Mask

4) Gilded Idol Set (Mythic)

5) Gilded Idol Cover

6) Skeletal Core M16A4 (Upgradable)

7) Prosperity-G36C

8) Luck Cat Bagpack

9) Voilet Feather Helmet

10) Voilet Feather Famas

11) Voilet Feather Smoke Garnade

And many more items.

Which one item you wish get? And which one is your favorite item?

how much Premium Crates do you have? comment below

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