id*ot teammates turned into a 2v8 battle.

molan is coming
Feb 15

Our mm is either dead or not fighting at all from the beginning to the end.

The damage is also very small, so small that I feel that the enemy's cheating will reduce the damage of our miya&leila.

10 minutes, our mm is still not damage.And the robot kept walking around, not knowing what it was doing! Just... oh!

Then I went to report them :) And this is the first time I use this hero (I forgot how to call it in English.)In the end, they lost it...wt* what a bad teammate...
The whole battle is just me and my friends fighting! And the damage of this hero is particularly high! ez tripel kill.I didn't even know that this hero's damage was so high.

Does anyone know what the English name of this hero is? please tell me

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