Can mind-controlled VR games help stroke patients?

Feb 25

Cogitat, a neurotech firm, is developing a brain-computer interface that allows users to control virtual reality (VR) environments using their thoughts. Unlike Elon Musk's Neuralink, which implants a chip in the brain, Cogitat's prototype headset sits on top of the head.

The company hopes that its technology could one day allow people with brain injuries or disabilities to control devices remotely. The system has been tested on stroke patients, with positive results. When used in conjunction with rehabilitation exercises, it can make them more engaging, encouraging patients to keep up with their therapy.

However, the technology is still in the developmental stages, and there are several challenges that lie ahead for neurotech. Brain activity is individual to each person and changes throughout the day, making calibration a continual process. Cogitat is currently training its technology on a database of hundreds of volunteers to speed up the calibration process.

The company expects to have a working prototype of its technology within the next 12 months.

Source: BBC

I was happy to see that the gaming industry and the health care industry have been working together because gaming is good for society.

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